Donnelly College Publications

Donnelly Digest Magazine

The Donnelly College Digest magazine is a publication for the alumni and friends of Donnelly, published twice each year. The mission of The Digest is to engage readers in the life of the college and celebrate Donnelly's diverse learning environment.

Current issue: Winter 2023 Digest


Each spring, dime (pronounced “DEE-may”): The Arts and Literary Journal of Donnelly College is released. Our students’ submissions make up the journal; additionally, the launch includes presentation of the Sister Mary Faith Schuster Awards for writing and visual arts.

Immigrant's Song

During the spring 2018, Dr. Paula Console-Soican, assistant professor of English, published a collection of student essays under the title The Immigrant's Song. This collection represents essays submitted in a class by the same title where students had the opportunity to explore their own relationship to “immigrant fiction” read for the course.

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Photo of Michaela Remijio

Michaela Remijio

Director of Marketing and Communications